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Sunday, May 24, 2015
Gaining weight
We have finally gained some weight since the flu and James is 12 lbs 3 oz now (5.54 kg). He he has finished 3 whole bottles on his own now, but had a slow day today. James heart catheter has been moved to July 7 th now since he has been sick. So we will hope that we can stay away from sickness and get our second major surgery done soon. After the Glenn surgery James should have some more energy and hopefully we can get rid of the tube.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
On Sunday evening James was discharged from the hospital. He is doing good and his food had been increased to 27 kcal/fl oz (27 kcal/30 ml). We are staying with that number for now to make sure he can tolarate it. Tomorrow we are going to our cardiolgy appointment and see that everything looks good. We will weigh him, check his oxygen, and have an ultrasound on his heart.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Mother's day stories
3'imperfect' pregnancy = a perfect Mother's day
Here are some stories that were made for mothers day from our hospital. They called Lindsey and asked if she wanted to share her story to them. Just click on the link above and read it. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.
Here are some stories that were made for mothers day from our hospital. They called Lindsey and asked if she wanted to share her story to them. Just click on the link above and read it. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Getting better
We are still at the hospital as of Sunday morning. James has been doing well and he hasn't gotten any worse. He still has a cough and he still has a stuffy nose. He is back up on his feeding with almost the same formula as he had when he was well. We started giving him 10 calories per fluid ounce yesterday, then he moved up to 19 cal/fl oz, then 24 cal/ fl oz, and this latest feed he got 27 cal/ fl oz. They will keep him at that for a little while and then he will get back at 30 cal/ fl oz, which has been his normal energy intake. The doctors came by earlier and they though that he was doing really well. They said either he did not get a serious case of the flu or he is a true fighter, we decided to go with the latter. He really is a fighter, how much can you go through and still have a smile on your face? He is doing so great and we are very proud of him. We are also allowed to bring him home today, we are just waiting to see how his feedings are going. He might stay until tomorrow morning, just to be on the safe side. He has been away from the house for almost 72 hours now, but be are so glad that we found out that he had the flu and got help so quickly. Children's medical center has really taken care of us and all the staff is amazing. We are so grateful to have them in our family. We tried to give him the bottle this morning, but he was not interested. We will take it slow and hopefully get back to it soon.
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James 10 weeks back at CMC Dallas |
Friday, May 8, 2015
Observation (Swedish)
Vi är tillbaka i Dallas på Children's medical center med James. Han har inte varit sig själv de senaste dagarna. Han har ätit dåligt, varit lite gnällig och spytt mer än vanligt. När vi var på vår vanliga torsdags koll hos kardiologen så bestämde de att det var säkrast att lägga in James på sjukhuset. Eftersom hans immunförsvar är lågt och hans hjärtproblem är alvarliga så kan allt svänga fort för dessa känsliga barn. Han har hosta, är snorig i näsan och har som sagt inte ätit mycket från flaskan. Han har även tappat lite i vikt. Han var över fem kilo i måndags 5,09 kg för att vara exakt, men igår när vi kom till sjukhuset vägde han 4,95kg. De tog några prover för att se om han hade någea virus i kroppen och det har han. Han testades positivt för influensan. Han har parainfluenza typ 3, vår skötetska sa att det finns minst 50 olika typer av influensa och har man inte rätt vaccin så kan man bli sjuk. Skrämmande att han fått influensa, men vi vet att han får bästa möjliga vård här. Vi kan bara vara tacksamma att de bestämde att lägga in honom igår. Han kommer stanna i minst 24 timmar för observation och de vill se till att han äter normalt och inte spyr upp något mer innan han får komma hem. Han får bara i sig vätska med elektrolyter just nu för att se om han kan hålla det nere och hålla upp vätskebalansen. Går det bra så kommer han återgå till mjölkersättningen. Hans mängd just nu ligger på 70 ml var tredje timme. Vi hoppas han kryar på sig snabbt och kan börja äta normalt så han kan fortsätta lägga på sig i vikt.
The nurses swabbed James nose last night to see if he had any viruses in his body and unfortunetly he does. He has the flu, parainfluenza type three. We are so glad that he is admitted and we can only hope that he will be strong and get over this quick. We are keeping him hydrated by only feeding him 70 ml pedialyte every three hours. If he keeps it down he will get back on formula today. We are just hoping that will happen and get back to his normal feedings.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Back in Dallas
James has been having some trouble eating and has been throwing up alot lately, so at our regular cardiology visit today our cardiologist decided to admit James to Children's Medical Center in Dallas this afternoon. He has had a cough and his nose has been running a few days. Since he is vounerable to infections, he will be here for atleast 24 hours for observation. He is on a light diet and will be closely monitored. He has also lost some weight these last couple of days. We are just hoping he can fight this off real quick and get back to growing and eating. He was over 5 kilos for the first time this monday, but right now he is slightly under. We hate to be back here, but is feels good to know that he is in good care and we can get all questions answered. Maybe we can also get some help to get him to eat more. He only had one bottle all by himself and then it kind of leveled out and actually decreased. Well, we are back here in Dallas and we will get well soon and go home.
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