Friday, February 6, 2015

Parkland Hospital (English)

We only have two more doctor visits until we go in for the big day! This past Wednesday, February 4th, we went for a weekly checkup with Dr. Santiago to see that everything was OK, and it was. We are still scheduled for a February 24th delivery. Lindsey was actually 2 lbs lighter than last week, but she has gained enough weight so it is normal. They also let us know that everyone that wants to be around newborns should be vaccinated for whopping cough (Tdap vaccination), so I need to take care of that. And for all of you that are planning to be here with us, please get the vaccine too so you can see our baby boy. After the visit with the doctor, we headed over to Parkland Hospital; this is where James will be born. It is located right by Children´s Medical Center, but you have to take the elevator down to the basement to get there. The hospital is pretty old and it is a little run down, but I have heard that they have very good doctors and nurses there. This is where our local service men and women (police officers, fire fighters, etc.) are sent in emergency situations, and is also a trauma hospital where they deal with high risk emergencies. Now that we know exactly where to go when the time comes, we can feel it getting closer…excited, but also very nervous.


  1. Lindsey and Johan, My mom works with Lindsey and sent me the link to your blog. I just finished my training as an OBGYN at Parkland last year and Dr. Santiago actually delivered by baby there in May! You are exactly right-it might not be the prettiest building but that is absolutely the best place for you to have James! Dr. Santiago is the best and I have no doubt all the other staff you interact with and the doctors taking care of James will be excellent. Those that start their careers at Parkland jokingly refer to ourselves as "Parkland-Strong" and I joke that my baby is "Parkland-Strong" from being born there. James will get that too.

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It is so nice to hear from someone who has used the same doctor and has worked there also. We too have heard many great things about the Parkland staff and we really like Dr. Santiago a lot. I totally agree...James will be "Parkland-Strong", no doubt! I like that saying. Thank you for reaching out to us and congratulations on your baby! By the way, I love working with your mom. She is so sweet!
